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 07-08-2006, 11:36 Post: 131877

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 Charging Voltage Level

There are two possible problems. One is the alternator actually charging. At low RPM you are looking at the battery line voltage 13 volts. If it is charging it should read about 14 volts. When you increase the RPM the alternator is using more voltage. Your alternator needs voltage as the magnetic coils are not perminate magnets.
The second possiblility is that there is a small short in one of the battery plates. You should see a slow discharge on the battery, but it will allow the battery to charge and have near proper voltage. If you took it in to do a load test you would see the problem. At rest you have 13 volts at low RPM you are not charging the battery and the altenator is actually a negative load. When the alternator is charging the battery is shorting. Normally the battery does not last very long in this condition at this point so I would think it would have failed.

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 07-09-2006, 14:17 Post: 131911

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 Charging Voltage Level

Wr5evk could be right if the wire if the connections are corroded and the wire is small. I guess with the sterio disconnected it still leaves a question mark why the gauge would read low. I am assuming that this is a new condition and read properly before.
Is the battery a rolled cell or plate gel battery?

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 07-09-2006, 17:26 Post: 131918

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 Charging Voltage Level

Rolled cell is batteries like Optimas. The cases look like six cans of beans in a plastic case. You can tell by the case design. If the battery is a normal flooded lead acid you can check the for a short by checking the acid in the cells. One cell should be low after sitting a while.

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 10-04-2006, 07:56 Post: 135682

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 Charging Voltage Level

ncrunch,you need to check that you have all the circuits off and then check for resistance on the battery terminals. If there is an open circuit it will show up.
Does the boat have an automatic bilge pump. If you have a leak this will draw down the battery in a hurry.
Be aware if there is current to a metal part on the boat you can get electrolysis happening and corrosion of the metal part. This is more problematic in salt water as a small bleed of current can cause problems, but with 12 volts and a ground metal in contact with the water anymetal can corrode.
Most likely it is a small circuit like a clock which is staying energized or a small short in the battery allowing it to self discharge.

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